The Journey Begins…well, the documented one anyway.

Thanks for joining me!

So today, being a typically normal day in the life of me ( bills, screaming children, telling off teenagers, beating myself up about something or other), I decided that it might be quite therapeutic to start writing stuff down. Most people would opt for a pretty, sparkly journal and some metallic gel pens. Me, I’ve decided to go public and bare everything warts ‘n’ all.

However, there is method in my madness (don’t say a word). I’m hoping that by sharing my 30 something experiences in life and business, that I can connect with likeminded people or even bring someone some value.

I’m a mother of 3 (1 daughter, 2 stepsons) and a fiancée to 1 and have been this way for the last 5 and a half years. I’m at a point in my life where it can go one of two ways. Carry on as I’ve always done – struggling, mediocre, boring, stuck – or, I can change all aspects of my life and self that I’m not over the moon about. Does that constitute a mid life crisis? Or is it all part of becoming an actual real life adulting adult?! (I’d appreciate feedback on that as I’m not quite sure which it is yet 😂)

So, what is it that I’d like to change about my life today? (Because yes, it varies, a woman can change her mind 🤭) What are the things I’m planning to develop over a period of time?

1. Physical Health

I’ve been overweight absolutely all of my life. Sadly though, I was not half as overweight as a kid and teenager as I thought I was. So over the years I just accepted being the fat bird and carried on the tradition. Only then, I still felt healthy and now, I don’t. I want to feel 30 something and not 70 something. So back to slimming world I’ve gone. Another thing is the smoking. I’ve been hovering between cigs and vape for the last week or 2. I’m at the stage where I can’t believe how much I’ve abused my own precious body. So that’s it. Bad Health choices have got to go.

2. Mental Health

Somewhere along my colourful 30 something years, I developed Anxiety and Panic disorders (I know what they stemmed from but more on that another time). This has mainly now turned into health anxiety and panic. If you’ve never experienced it, it’s a very real, frightening, energy consuming, life quality limiting thing to have. To transform the above, will in turn help this part.

3. Spirituality

I became a Christian at the age of 17. Spent the next 9 years floating around living my life as I wanted. At 26 I was baptised and my faith deepened. I want to connect more to my spiritual path and purpose.

4. Business

Over the last year I decided to ‘go pro’ with my network marketing business. It is this and all the personal development that goes along with it that has encouraged me to take stock of all aspects of my life so far. The network marketing industry is completely unique and I am blessed to be a part of it. I will continue the journey to master the skills needed to make plans a reality. I want to bring the value I already possess to others wanting to grow a successful Network Marketing business.

So now you know part of the journey I will be on, and we will see what trials and triumphs await 🙂

Not all of my writings will be this long, deep or personal. Sometimes they will be for fun, for tips, for reviews, for advice or anything else I feel compelled to share. I’d love some interaction or feedback and I welcome messages or comments to give me something to think about or share value about.

Talk soon!

Kelly x

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


13 thoughts on “The Journey Begins…well, the documented one anyway.

  1. Hey Kelly, welcome to the blogosphere! You’re definitely not going to accept boring, stuck, lame adult life. I won’t let you! It’s great to see you mapping out the areas that you’d like to improve. You’ll be building a great community of support here and you’re going to love it. This may come off as shameless self-promotion, but if you head over to my blog and check out the comments, you’ll be able to find some awesome women bloggers to connect with. When I first started out, I just posted and disappeared and wondered why no one was finding me, lol. So I just want you to feel encouraged and welcomed in the community. You’re off to a great start, btw. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was a fantastic first post. I appreciate your clear and concise way of writing. I’m excited to follow you on your journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If it’s any consolation, I’m older than you and still trying to figure it out, the adulting adult thing. Kudos for knowing you want to make changes and for taking steps. That you wrote down what you want to work on gives you a benchmark to look back on as you move forward. It’s hard to know, sometimes, if we’re actually making any progress if we don’t know where we came from.

    That character in your head that wants to berate? Yea, it hangs out in my brain-cavity too. Along with the ones who judge, criticize, laugh, love and more. There’s a bunch cavorting away. That’s what I’m blogging about, so if interested, bring your characters and join in.

    Liked by 1 person

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